A Sampling of Odds and Ends from the
Warren Journal
Belvidere, Warren County, NJ

Note:  "Inst." means "instant", and refers to the current month.
"Ult." means "ultimo", which means "in the last month."

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To the Hunterdon Democrat, 1838-1880 on Dennis Sutton's site.

January 5, 1856

DROWNED.--On Friday, 28th ult., while some scholars were sliding on a pond near Hope, the ice broke and a girl and boy were drowned.


Notice.--Application will be made to the Legislature of New Jersey at its next session, to authorize the Trustees of School District No. 1, in the town of Belvidere, Warren County, to sell, exchange, or dispose of the School house lot, belonging to said District, and also for permission to mortgage said lot to raise money to build a school house.
        Nov. 24, 1855


P R O P E R T Y   F O R   R E N T

        The subscribers offer for rent the well known Tannery where William Mattison now resides, situate in the village of Paulina, township of Hardwick and County of Warren, said property contains 5-1/2 acres of first rate land with three dwelling houses, one bark house, one beam house and currying shop, together with other out buildings, the bark mill, hide mill, pumping fixtures, and in fact all the machinery is driven by the waters of the Paulins Kill, a never failing stream.  Any further description is deemed unnecessary, as persons wishing to rent may call on one of the subscribers living in the same village, who will show them the property and they can judge for themselves.  Terms moderate.  Apply to:
                                                                                                    JAMES MAYBERRY
        Dec. 29, '55                                                                                SAMUEL MAYBERRY

January 26, 1856

        A professional beggar woman, who has lived in Pittsburg for ten years past, has accumulated property for which she has refused ten thousand dollars.

February 2, 1856

        TRAGEDY AND ROMANCE --A man named Williams, from New York, attempted to commit suicide on New Year's night, because the young woman in Hoboken, whom he expected to marry that night, had changed her purpose.  In view of this evidence of love and devotion on his part, the young woman relented, and has since been united to him in marriage.  He feels better.

February 23, 1856


        The partnership heretofore existing between the undersigned, under the name and firm of Hemenover & Moore, was dissolved by mutual consent, on the 9th of February last.  All persons indebted or having claims against the said firm are notified to make immediate settlement of the same.
                                                                                        WM. H. HEMENOVER,
                                                                                        HAPMPDEN MOORE

April 5, 1856

        VOTERS MUST BE ABLE TO READ AND WRITE.--The Massachusetts House have passed by just the requisite two thirds vote one of the new amendments of the Constitution, which originated in the Senate at this session--that which provides that any person who desires to exercise the right of suffrage in the commonwealth, shall be able to read and write, unless prevented by physical disability.


        Our town was thrown into commotion on Thursday afternoon by an alarm of fire.  A carpenter shop, next to J. P. Ribble's, was just bursting into flames when discovered, it being locked up at the time, but was extinguished without much damage.



        BROKE JAIL.  On Saturday night, 20th ult., Alexander Moore and Paul Delaney.  Moore is about 50 years of age, 5 feet 8 inches high, light built, spare face, some gray, and an old offender.  Delaney is an Irishman, sandy complexion, stout built, 5 feet 10 inches high, about 30 years of age, has a wife at Elizabethport.  The above reward will be paid for the delivery of the fugitives into custody, or ten dollars for either.
                                                                                JACOB SHARP, Sheriff
        Belvidere, April 5, '56

May 3, 1856

        On account of the inclemency of the weather the Dedication Services of the Oxford Church is postponed to Saturday the 10th inst., at 10 o'clock, A. M.  Services will be held in the afternoon and evening.

May 17, 1856

        DISAPPEARANCE.--A man named Abraham Deremer, of Hunterdon Co., near Begerlsville, is missing under painfully mysterious circumstances.  On the 21 of April he visited Somerville and received $459 from Charles Bodine, Peapack, being part of a legacy due his wife.  He was 28 years old; 5 feet 8 inches high, with blue eyes, and brown hair, and wore black clothes and a white hat.  His family will thankfully receive information as to his whereabouts.--Newark Daily Advertiser.

May 24, 1856

        The editor of the Utica Herald says that he once knew a wild widow who "cut out" her own daughter in the good graces of her lover, and married him herself!  To obtain revenge for this mean, unmotherly trick, the daughter set her cap for the young man's rich father (of whom he was the only heir) and actually married him and had children, to the infinite annoyance of the other parties.  This occurred in Onondago County.

May 31, 1856


        This is to caution the public against receiving a note of mine for $66, payable to John G. Johnson, or bearer, which note he fraudently retains after having received value therefor.
        May 24, '56                                                                                GEO. P. WATTS
        The public are hereby informed that George P. Watts has not paid or in way any satisfied a note for $66, which I hold against him and that I do not fraudently retain said note after having received value for it and that the statement of said Watts, with reference to said note is false from beginning to end.
        May 31, '56                                                                                JOHN G. JOHNSON

July 12, 1856

August 2, 1856

        DELEGATE MEETING.--At a meeting of the voters of the township of Independence held pursuant to notice, on Saturday, July 26th 1856, at the house of John P. Merrill, Jacob Cummins, Esq., was appointed Chairman, and Dr. Wm. Kennedy, Secretary, of said meeting.  On motion Wm. F. Wire, Esq., and John H. Fleming were appointed delegates to attend the Convention to be held at Trenton, August 6th, with power to fill vacancies.
        On motion Resolved, that these proceedings be published in the Warren Journal.
                        WM. KENNEDY, Sec'y

August 9, 1856

        DELEGATE MEETING.--Persuant to notice the Democrats of the township of Hope met at the house of Gideon L. Howell, in the village of Hope, whereupon George Flumerfelt was called to the chair, and Nelson Vliet appointed Secretary. The object of the meeting being stated by the Chair, whereupon Nelson Vliet and George H. Beatty, were appointed delegate to attend the Democratic State Convention to be held at the City of Trenton on the 6th inst.
    Resolved, That the delegates be authorized to fill vacancies if any occur.
    Resolved, That the Democrats of the township of Hope is requested to meet at the House of Gideon L. Howell, in the village of Hope, on Saturday, 16th inst., at 4 o'clock P.M., to form a Democratic Club for the better organization of the Democratic party for the coming campaign.
    Resolved, That the proceedings of this meeting be published in the WARREN JOURNAL.
                        GEORGE FLUMERFELT, Ch'n
                                        NELSON VLIET, Sec'y.

October 4, 1856

        A quiet vote for the presidency was taken by the two or three hundred cadets a few days ago which resulted as follows:  For Fremont, 7; for Filmore, 40; Buchanan all the remainder.  This shows the opinion the young soldiers have of Colonel Fremont.

November 29, 1856

        HINTS TO PARENTS.--The Rev. Hosea Ballou was accustomed to say to parents:--"If you practice severity, speak harshly, frequently punish in anger, you will find your children will imbibe your spirits and manners.  But if you are wise, and treat your little ones with tenderness, you will fix the image of love in their minds, and they will love you and each other, and in their conversation which they have heard from the tenderest friend which children have on earth."

December 13, 1856

        The Albany Atlas states that the trains which started from Milwaukee on the 2d instant, had to be put back, owing to the impassable drifts of snow.



        A gentleman, a native of Connecticut, now a resident of New Jersey, aged about twenty nine years, possessing something of a literary turn--His sole time is devoted to the instruction of the youth--possessing but little capital--his beauty is expected to be his main attraction, having an elegant moustache and whiskers, all natural growth, wishes to open a correspondence with some Miss, or unencumbered young widow, with a view to matrimony; must have some funds of her own, and fond of domestic life, good looking, sweet tempered, somewhat of a literary turn.  Address G. G. McLean, Harmony, New Jersey
        Dec. 13, 1856

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